Cold Mountain Air? There’s a Bisque for that.

Throughout this pandemic I noticed that my zeal and zest to cook and recipe build had been waning...dissipating faster than the polar ice caps is probably most accurate. 2020 was also a milestone birthday for me and one of my best friends. Pre-pandemic we were going to go out to California and drive the whole… Continue reading Cold Mountain Air? There’s a Bisque for that.

Nothing Left To Do But Blog, I Guess

WOW have I come full circle. Nothing left to do but blog. Look, I know this is supposed to be a food blog, and I am working towards including that content. Food blogging takes a lot of work and I like to not do that all the time because then the thing you love becomes… Continue reading Nothing Left To Do But Blog, I Guess

Recommendation: See “Nanette”

I read a lot of blurbs and tweets talking about how ground-breaking Hannah Gadsby's Netflix Special "Nanette" is. Eventually, I found my way to it, leap frogging ahead of the back of other items because I desparately needed to laugh. You will laugh during this, but you will also feel empowered. Gadsby's control of her… Continue reading Recommendation: See “Nanette”

‘The Walking Dead’ is Back

In the mood for the perfect cocktail to ring in the season 7 premiere of AMC's The Walking Dead?  Me too. Eeesssspecially after what just happened on that episode. Today's cocktail, the 'Double Under,' is courtesy of HG Supply Co right here in Dallas. The ingredients as they appear on the menu: beet-infused pueblo viejo tequila, lime,… Continue reading ‘The Walking Dead’ is Back

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

By Puja I know I said this was going to be a food centric blog, but give me a second to get my life right. In the interim, I wrote a review of the play manuscript of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child for the other blog I contribute to Sisters In Law Blog. Feel free… Continue reading Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

Sunday Funday

If you were between the ages of 25-35 back in 2005, you are all to familiar with the concept of a Sunday Funday. My version of Sunday Funday involved being out pretending you had a life at least on the weekend, and part of the facade involved day-drinking with your pals cramming as much fun… Continue reading Sunday Funday

One Month Later…

10:44 PM CST today marked the one month anniversary of my father's death. He collapsed the morning of  May 22, 2016, had a stroke that night and never came home, dying on July 4th 2016. My sister stayed with him the entire time. I don't know what was in her that made her do it,… Continue reading One Month Later…